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IELTS Academic Vs General - Find the difference between tests -BEFOED - Beyond Foreign Education

IELTS Academic Vs General - Find the difference between tests

Many people doing IELTS are confused about which one to take i.e the endless IELTS Academic vs General - What is the difference between IELTS Academic vs IELTS General confusion. Which exam to take? IELTS Academic Vs General for Canada PR? One can see lots of such questions in sites like Quora, but answers are either promotional or too generic.

So we decided to create this comprehensive resource to answer all the questions in your mind regarding which exam to take. 

"The main difference between IELTS academic and IELTS general is that Academic test will contain topics suitable for anyone entering university or professional institutions while General Training test will contain topics based on general interest."

IELTS academic test format is designed to examine your level of english language whether that suits for an academic environment. Students and professionals must be trained with english reading skills which would be strong for text in professional and academic journals, textbooks, magazines and newspapers. 

IELTS academics use texts from these kinds of sources to test their skills. Writing task consists of simple topics that would be relevant in academic and professional. Writing tests are conducted to make sure they are strong enough to write college level essays.

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